Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Me Just Rambling On About Stupid Feelings

You know that you're a crazy teenage girl when you want to talk about these amazing guys with absolute strangers.  So I must be crazy because that's exactly what I'm going to do!  Okay well there's Noah, Zach and Ben.  And just because I'm that crazy, I guess that I'll also tell y'all how much I hate my ex.


Noah is my crazy, stupid, never gonna happen crush.  But either way he's... wow.  So me and Noah were good friends last year, when we went to the same school and we had period 3 together.  But then he went off to high school and I never saw him again.  That is until a couple of days ago he came to my school and I kept thinking that he was following me around, I mean he went to my gym class, my band class, jazz band, my history class, and my math class.  And we would just talk and I could not believe how much he had changed.  I mean last year he was one of the band geeks, like with braces and he was kind of cute but not anything special.  But now he has no braces, and apparently he's on the varsity baseball team.  And he is HOT!!  And even though I haven't seen him in a couple of days, I can't stop thinking about him.  Because I'm just that crazy and stupid.


I guess that you'd call Zach a bad boy.  He doesn't care about anyone's feelings and teachers can't stand him.  But for some reason either he's actually kind of nice to me, or I am totally imagining everything.  Whenever I talk to him I just think of "Walk to Remember", that movie where the bad boy and the pastor's daughter fall in love.  And I can't help but feel that he likes me.  But anyways, I can't stop thinking about him either...  Because he's just that amazing, he's just that hot, and he's just... Zach.  But he didn't even notice me when I saw him this weekend, which sort of made me... heart broken.


Ben is the guy that will probably be valedictorian at our high school graduation, and he's seriously nice and amazing.  And it's not that crazy that I like him.  I sit next to him in band, locked away in our little alto sax heaven and he is just so sweet.  I mean today when I was being weird and was totally not being modest and kept saying how amazing I was (and I was kind of joking) but he said, "I know.", to whenever I said that I was seriously amazing.  And that's what makes him Ben.  And him being Ben makes me totally freak out and get all boy crazy so... yeah.

Now I show the darkest part of my true colors as I freak out and show my hatred towards my ex-boyfriend.  And once I'm done I hope that y'all won't judge me because I hate him, I mean I REALLY hate him.  So yeah, here is where I will do what all crazy teenage girls do, tell strangers about their ex.

My Ex.  Ugh..

So I went out with him even though he's a nerd, even though he's the most boring person I've ever met, even though he spits when he talks, and even though he's seriously ugly.  Because the one reason why I even liked him was because I though he was really sweet.  But then I found out that the only reason why he went out with me was because he realized that the most popular girl in school would never go out with him.  In what world would she go out with him, I mean how could he think that he ever had a shot?!?  But since he realized that he didn't have a shot, I guess he'll settle for me!?!  As if.  And now I find out from everyone that they were afraid to tell me this when we were dating but while we were dating he didn't understand that when you're going out with someone you're taken, so apparently he was trying to get dates with other girls.  While we were dating!  So much for being sweet...  He has got to be the worst guy ever...

So now I've told all y'all strangers my feelings of hatred and my other stupid feelings...  I must be very crazy...

What And IB School Is All About

Hey guys!  I know that y'all must of been worried because I haven't posted anything the past few days since my life is in complete chaos. I mean, my boyfriend cheated on me (and if you have any advice on boys I could obviously use it), I got a C on my science test ( because I'm pretty sure that my teacher hates me... but I'm also pretty sure that I suck at science...), and last but not least, it's stinking 17 degrees here in Silver Spring and I can't think straight when my body is slowly growing icicles.  But either way, today I realized what it means to be an IB student.  I might have been at my current IB school for three years now, but this eleven year old has got to be the most culturally developed kid I've ever seen.  So, in-case y'all didn't know, I'm talking about an International Baccalaureate or IB program.  It's a program designed to help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.  So it's basically a program to help you become more culturally aware.  But either way, I had this 6th grader put in my class today, because he just moved here from Ukraine and they're deciding which french class to put him in.  Well this boy is amazing.  I mean he speaks five different languages, Ukrainian, Russian, English, Georgian, and French.  He has lived in over 15 countries and he keeps telling us about the amazing cultures.  I mean seriously, he should be the poster boy for IB.  And I realized that while I had only thought of my school as a place where we have people who speak a lot of different languages, I now realize that they are giving us experience learning about all these different cultures so that we can accept them and be like him, a boy who is basically the whole world mashed up into one little eleven year old boy.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Some Math Help

Okay guys so I just found out that I got a 97% on my Honors Geometry midterm exam!  Because of this I have now deemed myself qualified to give y'all some math help if you need it.  This is just some stuff that you should remember on math tests.

If you're taking ALGEBRA:

*  If you take Pre-Algebra these tips will also probably help you out
  • Algebra is all about formulas and solving equations.  Make sure that the day before your test you have all of you're formulas memorized.  But also make sure that you remember when to use each formula, because without that it's useless.
  • Remember a calculator.  You solve tons of equations and you're not going to want to add everything up in your head.  Also graphing calculators are really great for graphing slopes and help you understand what to do.
  • Get Lots Of Sleep!!!  In Algebra, its really easy to make careless mistakes and exchange a 30 for a 3.  But if you get lots of sleep the night before a big test, you're more awake and less likely to make mistakes.
  • Remember that you're not going to like Algebra.  I'm pretty sure that the only reason we have to take it is to suffer.  So know that you're going to hate every class, and every test will be pure torture.  But knowing this and expecting this will make you less upset when every day of the test you are confused. These tests are supposed to do just that.  So now you know that you should use the extra time studying and worrying about the test, because it is going to be hard.  And you want to be ready.

If you're taking GEOMETRY:

  • For the first semester of Geometry, it's all about the postulates and theorems.  Before a test, make sure that you have memorized all your postulates and that you can use them to do a proof.
  • Remember your calculator!!  You will want to use all your energy remembering stuff that you were taught about polygons, not trying to do long division!
  • Go with your first instinct.  It may not always be right, but with Geometry it's kind of hard to make a careless mistake.  Don't second guess yourself, because if you are then you're just trying to find a way that you could be wrong.
 Okay guys, I hope that these tips on math help!  If you have any other tips, just comment down below.  See y'all later and have a great day!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Few Tips On Boys...

I'm just going to come out and say it, today I saw this guy that last year I thought was amazing.  And you know what?  He's even more amazing now than he was back then.  So as I realize that I am definitely not over my crush, I thought that it might be good to give y'all some tips on.... boys.  Okay so here it goes.

Tip #1- Don't Drool Over Them

Okay so when I like a guy, I've been known to just you know, stare at them.  I keep assuring myself that it's because they're just  And it is.  But now I realize that boys think about girls the same way that we think about them. And I'm pretty sure that most of the time they're convinced that they have no shot, just like we do.  So don't drool over them, because even though they can be insanely cute, they're head over heels for you too.  So basically, y'all are two sides of the same coin.

Tip #2- Be Yourself

This has got to be the most overused piece of advice ever.  But it's also one of the most useful.  So I was not using this advice at all.  I acted like most of his former girlfriends did, so basically I acted like the opposite of myself.  It did get him to ask me out though.  But whenever I act like myself around him, he tells me to cut the act.  So now I have to break up with him because I can't be myself around him.  And that's the worst feeling ever.  You guys should just save the trouble of going through all that and be yourself.  Because it's not worth it to act like someone else.

Tip# 3- It Can't Hurt To Dress Nice, Have Interests In Common, And Everything Else

If you have interests in common then he will probably want to talk to you more.  And if you dress nicely then you'll feel more confident.  But again, tip# 2 trumps this tip, so don't have make you guys have interests in common and pretend to be someone else.  
I hope that these tips help y'all out and that you guys have a great day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Book Review: The Gallagher Girl Series by Ally Carter!

Okay so I started reading these books when they first came out in 2007.  The first book is 'I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You".  I was only eight years old, so it wasn't that weird that I was reading them.  And I'm just going to say it, the first book was extremely stupid.  Like it featured the cliched dream of every girl, being a professionally trained spy and then falling in love with the perfect guy while on a mission.  But of course you know that you can't be together, which makes it even more romantic.  I don't know about you guys, but that's what I've always dreamed of.  Although reading it written down in a book, made me realize that it one of those locked in the highest tower kind of things.  I was reading a weird Romeo and Juliet/Prince Charming comes to the rescue/what I'd always dreamed of kind of books.  And I liked it back then because it was well you know, perfect.  But now I realize that it's just boring.  But the second book in the series, "Cross My Heart Hope To Spy" was amazing.  I mean like I couldn't put it down, stayed up until one o'clock in the morning kind of amazing.  And there we have it, I'm hooked.  There's a new boy now and I love that boy.  He's just so....amazing.  And why am I telling you guys this?  Because I just finished the fifth book in the series, "Out Of Sight Out Of Time", and it was awesome!  So you guys should just power through when reading the first book, because every book after that is seriously fantastic.  So guys, please comment down below if you've read this series and if you haven't, read these books!  You won't regret it!  See y'all later and have a great day!

Monday, January 14, 2013

My First Post!!

Hey guys!  So this is my first time writing to y'all and I'm so excited!  So this blog is to just give you guys tips on life as I figure everything else out for myself.  So I hope that you guys have a great day and hopefully you guys don't have exams like I do because they are killing me!  But if you do, here are some tips for midterms just in case you guys need a little help.

Tip #1- Get Help From Classmates

Okay so chances are that you aren't going to be the first person to have every exam.  If you are, then sorry but this tip is not going to help you!  So, if you have a friend who has taken one of the exams that you still have to take already, ask them for help!  They know exactly what's on the test and they can help you study exactly what's on the test instead of everything that you've learned this past semester.  But try not the ask them about specific questions, unless it's something like an essay, because with teachers at my school if they find out that they told answers to specific questions, they say that you cheated and will just about kill you.  So just ask for help on topics that are covered on the test, and try to be pretty vague with your questions so that you don't get accused of cheating.

Tip #2- Don't Stress Out!

Everyone has that thing that they always do when they get nervous and everyone else in the class thinks that it's the most annoying thing ever.  When I get nervous, I ask questions, and I mean a lot of them.  I will ask a question and ask them to confirm their answer, and then I'll ask them to repeat it about 25 times.  That's what I do.  And all my teachers just tell me not to stress out and I always believed that they just told me that so that I'd fail.  But I finally realize that when I don't stress out and ask a million questions, I do a lot better on tests!  But don't be so relaxed, there are always some exams where you need to study all weekend and pray to God that you didn't fail.  For those exams, a little stress can't hurt.

Tip #3- Peppermint!

So I'm really superstitious, like scarily.  So, I read online that the smell of peppermint can wake up your brain and help you out on tests.  After I read this, I went a little crazy.  On test day, I have a big glass of peppermint tea, wear some of my Twisted Peppermint perfume from Bath and Body Works, have a gazillion mints in my mouth (I have seriously good breath for my tests), and use anything and everything peppermint in my house.  This includes everything from the peppermint foot scrub that makes my skin really soft, to the scratch-and-sniff candy cane stickers that I got at Target.  I don't know if all this actually works, but it might!

And that's all I got.  If you have any other test taking tips, just comment down below and I'll make another post later!  Good luck on exams!