Thursday, January 17, 2013

Some Math Help

Okay guys so I just found out that I got a 97% on my Honors Geometry midterm exam!  Because of this I have now deemed myself qualified to give y'all some math help if you need it.  This is just some stuff that you should remember on math tests.

If you're taking ALGEBRA:

*  If you take Pre-Algebra these tips will also probably help you out
  • Algebra is all about formulas and solving equations.  Make sure that the day before your test you have all of you're formulas memorized.  But also make sure that you remember when to use each formula, because without that it's useless.
  • Remember a calculator.  You solve tons of equations and you're not going to want to add everything up in your head.  Also graphing calculators are really great for graphing slopes and help you understand what to do.
  • Get Lots Of Sleep!!!  In Algebra, its really easy to make careless mistakes and exchange a 30 for a 3.  But if you get lots of sleep the night before a big test, you're more awake and less likely to make mistakes.
  • Remember that you're not going to like Algebra.  I'm pretty sure that the only reason we have to take it is to suffer.  So know that you're going to hate every class, and every test will be pure torture.  But knowing this and expecting this will make you less upset when every day of the test you are confused. These tests are supposed to do just that.  So now you know that you should use the extra time studying and worrying about the test, because it is going to be hard.  And you want to be ready.

If you're taking GEOMETRY:

  • For the first semester of Geometry, it's all about the postulates and theorems.  Before a test, make sure that you have memorized all your postulates and that you can use them to do a proof.
  • Remember your calculator!!  You will want to use all your energy remembering stuff that you were taught about polygons, not trying to do long division!
  • Go with your first instinct.  It may not always be right, but with Geometry it's kind of hard to make a careless mistake.  Don't second guess yourself, because if you are then you're just trying to find a way that you could be wrong.
 Okay guys, I hope that these tips on math help!  If you have any other tips, just comment down below.  See y'all later and have a great day!

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